New components from lidio poian to mars

Since a long time Lidio Poian & C. is working on “ExoMars project” for Selex Galileo S.p.A. (Nerviano) and now, in addition to the “Drill Tool”, wins the contract for the production of the “Sliding Carriage and Rod Magazine Clamps”, the drilling, locking and storing mechanism of the Martian ground specimens, studied by Tecnomare S.p.A. and installed on the rover.

In detail, the mechanism will perforate the Martian ground till a maximum deep of two meters and will provide a first specimens analisys. A special control software will reduce to the minimum the human intervent.

Components are characterized by elaborate geometries which request to use last generation machines tool. The global complexity and the small dimensions of components cause that every part is decisive for the final functioning. Cause of this, the strict tolerances need a particular carefulness of each machining step and a continuous dimensional control on the components.

A new important goal for Lidio Poian that, with this last commission , will realize all parts of the aboard mechanisms assigned to Italy from the European Space Agency (ESA).